Thursday, November 12, 2020

CODE RED restrictions effective November 12, 2020

We realize that we are in a time wherein many people could benefit from coming to retreat.  We totally get that!  However with the restrictions CODE RED that was put into place now in Mid November - we had to make the hard decision to fully close to retreaters.  

We realize that people have many varying thoughts and opinions in regard to Covid-19 and its ramifications, and the restrictions in place.  Personally, we believe that the Government of Manitoba is doing what it in the best interest of all of us.  For that reason, we are supporting the restrictions, and following through with all that it entails,  by closing fully to all business as usual (offering space for people to retreat) effective this date. 

Covid-19 has changed the world.It affects you. It affects us.  But we are trusting God with this ministry, believing that it is HIS and his will will be done with it.   And one thing we believe is that God is still Sovereign in all of this. 

We have been keeping our government and essential/frontline workers in our prayers and encourage you to join with us .  Pray for one another - as this all affects our mental/emotional health.  Most of all - we hope that the time you have more of (due to decreased activity on our calendars) will give you time to spend with Jesus - and may you find again that you can Be Still and Know that He is God - whether you are here reatreating - or at your home.  

We look forward to the time when we can host you again.  

Keep checking here, and on facebook and instagram for more info along the way.  We will keep you informed.  

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