I am sitting here at home, with a couple verses running through my mind and over my heart. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING BUT IN ALL THINGS WITH PRAYER AND SUPPLICATION LET YOUR REQUESTS BE MADE KNOWN TO GOD.
Sorry, I may have quoted that a little off, not sure ~ but the reality is I know why God laid those on my heart just minutes ago. You see ~ tonight is the night that we hear whether or not the Rural Municipality that we are moving into (Lord Willing) will grant our requests or not.
We had to take our information to them ~ the plans, the site plan, letters and reasons why we want to do what we are asking them to grant! And almost $500 per request. ($1000 total)
We had to do that three weeks prior to their council meeting, which is tonight at 7.
We had to do this, as the plans that Jerald and we have been pouring over, are plans to first of all build a “barn” and then next summer to build the “house”.
And, the thing is ~ the barn is bigger and higher than they allow. And the house, in order to do the ministry, we need to apply for the bed and breakfast permits. And, under that ~ they allow 2 bedrooms for use as B&B. We are planning for 5. (Jerald had wondered why I picked 5 vs 6 for instance ~ and all I can say is that 5 is the number that God gave to me for the max number of women at any one time for retreat)
So ~ tonight we find out if we are permitted to do both requests. Once granted – we can begin to build. Flip side ~ if not granted, we lose the money that accompanied the request, and there is no appeal. SO…. “Joy, be anxious for nothing…”
This is HIS Vision ~ and we are just the vessel God is using to do it. We are trusting Him to move their hands on this one and we have been asking our friends to pray!
So, please pray that we will find favor with the council tonight! I will let you know later!
Be anxious for nothing! Lord God ~ ruler over all things ~ you are the one who laid this Vision on my heart, and have entrusted it to us to bring to fruition. Lord, I am anxious, perhaps I am “council shy” in some ways, but I ask for peace as we go tonight and sit in on the meeting. I also ask Lord, that you would help us to find favor in their eyes. Lord, this is your Vision ~ I have absolutely no doubt of that ~ so I know that you are in control. Not me. Lord ~ we give you all the honor and the glory! Amen.