In our ministry, since the time God spoke the words "create a place where women can go to just be" we have had friends of the ministry. (in this case the word "friends" also includes family)
Why are friends important to us, and to our ministry. Well here are some ways:
- friends who believed me when I said God spoke to me, back in 2000. You believed in my walk with Jesus and did not question when I said "I heard this from God ..."
- friends who prayed for us during each and every chapter of our lives - from when HE spoke (2000) to my call into pastoral ministry (2002) to our walk in grief that began when we lost our first born grand child Jay Benjamin Klassen (2008) to when I was called out of pastoral ministry (2009) and when we began to build (2010) and then onto our Dedication Service and Grand Opening (March 2013) and right up to the present day ...
- friends who believed that what God called us to - was HIS idea and it was going to happen. You did not think I gave up or threw out the idea when God called me into Pastoral ministry and the retreat vision perked on the back for 7.5 years.
- friends who covered this land with prayer at our COME, WALK and PRAY in Sept 2009, bathing this land in prayer before a shovel went into the ground!
- friends who encouraged us in the LONG, LONG, LONG (did I say LONG) build (2 +years)
- friends who drove into the yard, or came into the house while the build was happening and just said "no need to stop, here is a coffee and treat and we are here to pray"friends who have volunteered you time and sometimes backbreaking hours in our garden especially
- friends who have invested in the ministry - not only swet equity but also financially because you believe in what God has called us to
- friends who still may not quite "get" what we are doing, but believe in us, and in our relationship with God, and HIS call on our lives, and are there for us in many ways!
- friends who drop emails/texts/and snail mail notes to encourage us
- friends who have attended our two gala's "An evening of celebration and giving"
- friends who have come and stayed overnight
- friends who have paid for other people to come over night
- friends who have sent in cheques "just because" God nudged you, and well, you followed
- and the list could go on and on but right now, I want to say a HUGE thank you to those "Friends of the Well" who sponsored our event last April. My apologies for doing this so very late!! (from this post onward, you can look above on the blog and see a tab called "Friends of the Well" where we list the following sponsors as well.
We are grateful for the support of the following Friends of The Well through their financial generosity. We thank God for the sponsorship we received to make our 2017 Evening of Celebration & Giving a reality & a great success.
We encourage you to support these businesses, tell them Women Refreshed at the Well sent you!
Renew - $2000+
Al & Janet Fast
Ted & Mary Paetkau
Rest - $1000

Martin Enns Sales Representative
Alvin Klassen
Andrea & Scott Johannson
Ken & Kim Morrow
Michael Thiessen
Karl & Judith Friesen
Chairs for our event were provided by:
Linens for our event were provided by: