Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Coming together to train, to share, to pray, to listen!

On Friday the 6th of September - we partnered with the MARK Centre and hosted two events for women and men both.  We had 21 in the morning, including Steve (MARK Centre) and myself (Joy) and enjoyed the time together as we listened to the WORD, and allowed it to sink into the core of our beings.  And Steve did some training time with us, so that we would know how we can lead others into a time of Listening to God.

In the afternoon, there were17 of us (some stayed for both events, some only attended in the morning, and some only in the afternoon).  The afternoon was called "An Afternoon of Silence" and after some time with Steve - he sent us away - to be alone - and absolutely silent for about an hour and a half.  Then we got back together and shared some of our reflections together.

I thank God for the generosity of Steve Klassen's time and willingness to be one who walks alongside of our ministry, and the ability to sit and chat with him over coffee or a meal together.  It was a great privilege to host him.  It is my prayer that we will host our own events - of times of Listening to God.

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